


Letter from Steve Gleason

Dear friend,

I want to introduce you to my friend Kennedy. She is 7 years old and has juvenile ALS. I am not telling you Kennedy has ALS to gain sympathy. On the contrary, I want you to know that this 7-year-old is full of life, love, smiles, and enthusiasm for everything she does, despite having ALS.

Kennedy and my son are the same age. If you know kids at that age, they live with 100% passion for everything they do. This past year, we were able to help Kennedy with a new power chair fitted to her specific needs as an active 7-year-old. Then, because she had the new chair, she was able to go on a Team Gleason Lake Tahoe adventure.

Having the right equipment and technology is vital in allowing people with ALS to live with passion and purpose. Kennedy’s words say it all.


Please help us empower more people living with ALS. We continue to work toward immediately impacting the lives of all people with ALS, by inspiring them to live with passion and purpose, while giving them the tools to do so.

From me, Michel and Team Gleason’s staff and volunteers, we thank you for being a part of our team and allowing us to continue telling stories like Kennedy’s.

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