


A re-post from Facebook.

I was born in 1965, the Saints in 1967. I went to my 1st game in 1969. I remember watching Tom Dempsey the kick. I saw Archie looking up at the blue sky in Tulane stadium more than I’d like to remember. I saw the Dome Patrol wreak havoc on every QB that entered the Superdome. I have lived through thick and thin. I have always proudly worn my Black and Gold and proudly spoke of my team to anyone who listens. I’ve seen 13-3 and I’ve seen 1-15. I never once wore a bag on my head. I thought it was disrespectful of the team I was so passionate about. I am part of the WHO DAT NATION! A proud and dedicated bunch. I will persevere. I will bow my head in disgust today with what has happened, but I will never lose faith. I bleed Black and Gold. I always have, I always will. I am a Saint.


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