


‘Who Dat’ warning letters sent to merchants yet again

Frank Donze, The Times-Picayune

The emotional issue of who gets to cash in on “Who Dat” mania looks like it’s headed for a courtroom.

Who Dat? Inc., the company that registered the chant that’s inextricably linked to the New Orleans Saints, this week warned local merchants who sell “Who Dat” merchandise to come to the table to work out deal or face the music.

The demand letters came three months after a San Antonio law firm representing Who Dat? Inc. sent “cease and desist” letters to the same retailers informing them that continued sales of Who Dat products constituted an infringement of the company’s property rights.

In the latest correspondence, the Davis, Cedillo & Mendoza law firm instructs store owners to contact Steve Monistere, one of the firm’s principals, “if you wish to discuss a resolution of the claims related to your past usage of WHO DAT and explore the terms for a relationship moving forward.” Monistere recorded the “Who Dat” chant over “When the Saints Go Marching In” in 1983, and then registered a trademark on the phrase.

Read the rest of the story here.

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