


Saints’ onside decision ‘terrified’ rookie kicker

By Jay Hart,

MIAMI – The decision that ultimately turned Super Bowl XLIV in the New Orleans Saints’ favor came before the game even started. Sean Payton told his team prior to kickoff of the eventual 31-17 victory that it would go for an onside kick in the second or third quarter.

At halftime, with the Saints trailing the Indianapolis Colts 10-6, Payton made the call.

“We’re running Ambush,” he told his team, calling the onside kick play they’d practiced all week.

Read the rest of the story here.

One Response to “Saints’ onside decision ‘terrified’ rookie kicker”

  1. Terry B. Moses says:

    A St. Louis Rams, Cardinals and Blues fan here in the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers say to my Louisiana Purchase brothers and sisters…..Who Dat team say they gonna beat dem Saints?

