By Judy Walker, The Times-Picayune
February 04, 2010, 5:00AM
The foodie forums for Saints fans on and Chowhound had lots of punny fun with party food ideas for the first-in-a-lifetime Super Bowl featuring the New Orleans Saints.
Beth Fury, aka Mrs. Fury, saluted favorite players: Mac & Sharper Cheese, Reggie Bush Beans. Cindy Smith suggested “The SeaBrees” cocktail. Chowhound posters came up with MarQuiche Colston, Roman Candy Harper and Scott Fujita Fajitas.
Here’s the funny thing. Reggie Bush’s personal chef, a New Orleans native who won scholarships from the James Beard Foundation to the culinary arts program at Delgado Community College, actually uses Bush’s Best Baked Beans in a dish he makes often for the star running back.
Chef Gason Yen Nelson said Bush is “exciting to work for, open to trying new and different things.”