


NFL orders shops to stop selling ‘Who Dat’ gear

by Katie Moore / Eyewitness News

NEW ORLEANS – As the Saints’ appearance in their first Super Bowl gets closer, the marketplace is being flooded with Saints merchandise and memorabilia as businesses are looking to cash in on the euphoria, but the NFL is cracking down on the use of their trademarks, including the iconic phrase “Who Dat.”

But who really owns “Who Dat”? Does anyone? Who is a “Who Dat?” What is a “Who Dat?” Who owns the phrase, “Who Dat?”

They’re all questions Fleurty Girl t-shirt shop owner Lauren Thom is being forced to answer.

“The NFL is not a company that I want to rock the boat with, but I definitely want to look into it further to see what my rights are,” Thom said.

Two weeks ago, Thom got a cease and desist order from the NFL.

Read the rest of the story here.

6 Responses to “”

  1. May Waggoner says:

    The NFL gave us Bum Phillips and Jim Mora and Rickey Williams. Don’t you think it’s time they were nice for a change?

    By the way, the NFL didn’t invent the fleur de lis–check France hundreds of years ago. And my high school colors were black and gold 50 years ago. Maybe we should sue.

    Could the NLF cease and desist from being greedy? Just once?

    Dr. M. Waggoner, Lafayette, LA

  2. Gabe says:

    Okay fellas lets show the NFL that we mean business. I have started a online petition for the NFL stop sending out cease and desist orders


    pass it along! GEAUX SAINTS WHO DAT


  3. Duane Ledet says:

    Is it Good-ell or God-ell, cause this guy has a complex. Was 100 billion not enough last year, now he needs a bite of our recovery efforts. I thought he wanted to help this city. He could take a few lessons from our players on how to be a better man. Maybe as a group we need to stop buying official NFL merchandise. Or lets post goodells e-mail address. Lets please do sumthin. It’s not in our nature to sit back and take crap like this, lets not start now. Roger Goodell is bad for football, I really believe that.

  4. Rusty says:

    I checked uspto.gov for the trademark on Who Dat. Turns out three people have a trademark on Who Dat or Who Dat?. None of them are the NFL.

  5. Ames says:

    Let the NFL know how you feel:

  6. dennis rodriguez says:

    MAYBEwe need legal advice about the WHO DAT SLOGAN and who owns it.How about MR MORRIS BART andMR FRANK DEMICO JR so we can find out if we have any rights.

