


New Orleans Saints Superdome ultimate screaming guide

By Mark Lorando, The Times-Picayune

January 21, 2010, 5:27PM

New Orleans Saints Superdome screaming lessons from an opera singer

Listen up, Who Dat Nation: If you’re attending the game, you’re part of the game. And if you want to affect the outcome of Sunday’s Saints-Viking NFC Championship Game with your voice, you’d better know the right way to raise it.
With the help of a professional vocal coach, we’ve put together a Superdome screaming game plan for New Orleans’ legendary “12th Man.”

It’s the diaphragm, stupid: “Ninety-nine percent of people, when they scream, scream from their throat,” said Kristin Samuelson, a vocal coach who bills herself “The Voice Doctor.” “You can actually see the muscles bulging in the neck. That’s the brute force approach.” But the way to maximize volume, Samuelson said, is to consciously push the air from your diaphragm — the muscle separating the chest and abdomen — and into “that space in the back of the mouth that opens up when you yawn or burp.” That creates a more powerful, resonant sound than the throat can project on its own. “How is it someone like Pavarotti can be heard over 80 instruments in an orchestra? It’s the resonance,” she said.

Read the rest of the steps here.

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